Blog Archive

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tea is on, house is empty

Party: accomplished. It all felt like a big success. Hearty thanks to everyone who jumped in to make it wonderful. Seventeen children played games for an hour, ate and opened presents for an hour, and then watched a movie while the adults feasted on chicken tikka, homemade garlic naan, three-cream brie, salad, chili, a bottle of Malbec, and performed stupid human tricks. Grossest had to be the eyelid turner-outer. The evening was a lovely mix of children and adults, sophisticated food, and silliness.

Now, the furniture is back in place, the floors swept and vacuumed, trash tied up, dishes cleaned and leftovers stored. The girls fell asleep as soon as their heads touched their pillows. All that is left is a long, gangly red garland that slowly turns above Martin's nose as he screams out an unwinding song on his guitar.

Dear friends who appeared and flew about our house like sparrows, filling this place with great love, thank you.

And P.S., don't forget: Sunday's Add A Caption Game for this week makes me laugh. It starts at one minute 'til midnight tonight!

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