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Monday, May 19, 2008

Thistle Hill, Birthdays, and So ON


The sky actually boasts a lovely blue color today. This bodes well; ever since Martin's parents arrived, we've had cloudy, rainy day upon miserable, cool, wet day. I have been able to clean up the garden and work well-rotted compost into the vegetable patch. Our porch is covered in mud and exciting plants in nursery pots ready to plant: heliotrope, heirloom tomatoes, herbs. I even bought myself a blueberry bush, so now we have raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blue to look forward to this summer! I even attacked Thistle Hill and weeding uncovered the roses, blackberries, wildflowers, mint and vinca I planted last summer. Notice the look of resigned disgust on my face. Weeding a hill chockablock full of stinging nettles: not the sweetest cup of tea.

Martin and Dad have dipped muddy water out of the post holes twiceto continue their work with a vengeance. Even kind friend Kevin stopped by to assist in the work, and the fence is beginning to take shape.

The kiddos enjoyed slogging through our jungle of a yard to throw rocks into the creek.
Merry escaped a dip into the swollen waters.

Sister Heather, despite a horrible hospital stay where Eclampsia loomed, arrived home safely with sweet Eliora.

Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to say a SUPER BIRTHDAY to my dear Auntie Phyllis--your nieces adored you first
And your grand nieces adore you now!