The Entrance to the Children's Garden. . .Follow the terracotta feet!
I keep waiting to post pictures until the garden is really in full swing (it is now)--these were taken a few weeks ago, and now the cosmos is in bloom, the sunflowers are happy, and the peas and beans are crazy.
Martin, rockman, heaved this boulder for a bench in the children's garden. Our main goal was to make a garden where everything was edible or pickable, and there was much scope for the imagination.
(Here's an early one of Elspea demonstrating the amazing Moses phenomenon. Of course here our plantings had not really adjusted yet.)
Here's a view of the riverbed Martin designed and constructed--water sprinkles out of the rock onto the rock. The white sand fills the sandbox, also make out of rock.
Here's a better bird's eye view--the paths are mulched with playground mulch. The chicken wire is starting to cover with a red-flowered vine.
This is best effort, I think, in design so far. Martin spraypainted the lines in the grass and then started digging. I designed the plantings, which will fill out well over time--a mixture of perennials, shrubs, veggies, and annuals. Here's a before, bird's-eye (it's the mess of landscape fabric at left):
And here's an after, close-up: