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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Elspea's Flights

Elspeth came back from a women's soccer game at the U full of news of Polima, who is her friend with red hair and blue eyes who lives in a white house with a black flag. And did you know that through our bedroom window, you can see not only the swing set calling Elspeth out to swing and the bright blue sky of morning, but you can see camels? Many of them, by the sound of it.

And last night Elspeth had a dream in which a throne became a wave the size of China that covered our house and all our belongings, including Merry's elephant. "After I dreamt that, I came into bed with you," she said. On first report, the wave also engulfed Elspea's Pink Bear, but that was a mistake. "I was actually holding pink bear," Elspeth clarified.

This is not to mention the reports of Elspeth's preschool teacher climbing through the roof (this was last year), the mountains of candy distributed freely at snacktime, or the horrendously scary stories some gentleman told all the children at recess.

I wish I could remember them all for you. But it's ten and my mind is trickling away. I wonder if Polima ever feels that way.