Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Febuary Grey

This is a cliche, especially in our part of Pennsylvania. A cliche that nevertheless preys on all those who spend a good part of their time indoors. It's not elephant grey or the grey of a lovely old woman who has lived long. . .it's the grey of my grandfather's overwashed socks that drifts across the sky in watery oatmeal patterns. It's the grey that makes me want to order Crunchie Bars from England and brightly painted miniature play food from Germany. It's the grey that makes me want to wear dowdy old sweaters and slippers.

There are good things, I suppose, to grey: hot tea, nothing much to do except enjoy being with the children, a slight push toward cleaning, painting, making large pots of soup and crusty loaves of bread. If I were alone it would be a perfect grey for a whole day of writing or reading. As it is, Merry is pairing socks, Elspeth is padding around in tiger pants with a runny nose, and I am putting of using the restroom for as long as possible (I do not want to sit on the cold seat). We are getting an England fix with "Wind in the Willows" on the TV and the Wiggle's Monkey dance. I am contemplating cleaning and Merry looks spry in a summer-sky blue dress. . . .

Blah on Febuary.