Things I have recently loved:
My zany extended family; the youngest member caressing the oldest, my lovely Grandpa.
Ignoring daily responsibilities to read the last Harry Potter.
Zinnias, more than I can pick. . .
Fresh tomatoes, delightful varieties right from our garden.
Elspeth riding atop golden retriever Chester, in Texas.
Merry loving her new sweet cousin, Liliana Cecilia.
Roast chicken with rosemary from our garden.
Zucchinis that appear with alarming frequency; carrots from a friend's friends raised bed; delectable peaches from Farmer's Market.
The hills here, soft and green; a garden in almost every backyard.
Perennial hibiscus blooms like saucers, like the eyes of some wonderful animal.
The McVities dear Kara brought back from Manchester, England.
Hot and wonderful summer!