Blog Archive

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Pumpkin Planting

For Father's Day, after a delightful potluck with the Mennonites, I whipped up some mango smoothies (Here is the happy family; the girls are shouting "Sisu!") and we went out to plant pumpkins and gooseneck squash in what will be the pool garden (named so because this is the site of the abomination of the previous owners: namely, an aboveground pool, which we had hauled off in pieces).

This perfectly circular, level site will someday receive Martin's full attention and become an herb garden, complete with bricked pathways. . .for now, so as not to waste the space, we'll let the vines ramble all over while we build up the beds for a possible winter potager.

The girls, all at their own important tasks.
* * *
A happy, happy Father's Day to all you good dads, especially our dear ones: Ken C & Meredith L. We love you!

Beatrix & Bouquet 2

Beatrix, Roses and Yarrow

Here's another installment in the rather strange series of Beatrix & Bouquet. (Martin observes it's a slippery slope into Anne Geddes, but I'll never go there. No babies in cabbages. No way. Heaven save me.)

This gorgeous dress Beatrix wears here was made by a childhood friend of mine, Rita (her sister and my brother used to communicate by tincan phone strung betwwen our whitewashed maisonettes in Nairobi, Kenya.) Lovely.