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Monday, May 19, 2008

Thistle Hill, Birthdays, and So ON


The sky actually boasts a lovely blue color today. This bodes well; ever since Martin's parents arrived, we've had cloudy, rainy day upon miserable, cool, wet day. I have been able to clean up the garden and work well-rotted compost into the vegetable patch. Our porch is covered in mud and exciting plants in nursery pots ready to plant: heliotrope, heirloom tomatoes, herbs. I even bought myself a blueberry bush, so now we have raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blue to look forward to this summer! I even attacked Thistle Hill and weeding uncovered the roses, blackberries, wildflowers, mint and vinca I planted last summer. Notice the look of resigned disgust on my face. Weeding a hill chockablock full of stinging nettles: not the sweetest cup of tea.

Martin and Dad have dipped muddy water out of the post holes twiceto continue their work with a vengeance. Even kind friend Kevin stopped by to assist in the work, and the fence is beginning to take shape.

The kiddos enjoyed slogging through our jungle of a yard to throw rocks into the creek.
Merry escaped a dip into the swollen waters.

Sister Heather, despite a horrible hospital stay where Eclampsia loomed, arrived home safely with sweet Eliora.

Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to say a SUPER BIRTHDAY to my dear Auntie Phyllis--your nieces adored you first
And your grand nieces adore you now!

1 comment:

AppDaddy said...

Wonderful pictures of the girls!

The dresses are adorable, we are glad they fit so well!

Your cousin is taking his Mom to the NC Museum of Art, lunch at the Bistro there and then tour the collections.

We are eating at 42nd Street Oyster Bar, her favorite place down town.
Venerable famous local hangout.
We took your mom and dad there last summer, they really enjoyed it.

We bought her a Nintendo Wii, I found one in VA a couple of weeks ago at your favorite place, the WalMart.

The new Wii Fit game is out today, I reserved one for her.

You play and exercise at the same time, it even keeps track of your weight and body fat content and charts it as you progress.

Has games to improve balance for old F***s like your Uncle, and young Blondes like your Auntie.

I'll post pictures of the revelry this weekend, she really was touched by your remembering her and posting the picutres!