Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Come On, Baby, I'm Not Serious (nictitate, nictitate)

In telling you all that February was a giant joke and that the snow and below zero temps at night were just an illusion, I nictitate. And then I nictitate again, like a robin with a secret.

Yesterday, I told Martin that when he reached home, I would look saucily across the room and nictitate at him. "Then I will turn my head," I said, "And nictitate again." (HINT: I could be hanging upside down, playing the accordion, or skiing, and still I could nictitate at you in a variety of different manners. Martin said it sounded like something an animal, possibly of avian persuasion, might do, and he was one the right track.) When Martin came home, I nictitated at him, and sadly, I think he was underwhelmed, maybe even a wee bit disappointed. But, really, what does he expect at the end of the day?

Sal and I are trying out one new word per week in order to furrow some new paths in our winter-weary brains. Kevin, Sal's husband, who can recite pi, chose this one out of the dictionary. I nictitated at another woman today, and she responded, "Oh! I nictitate all the time!"

At whom will YOU nictitate today?


Sally said...

I feel smarter already. (nictitate, nictitate)

Country Girl said...

I can't nictitate with one eye at a time, only both together.
I think you should work on learning the meanings of the word verification "words" on blogger.

Anonymous said...

Um, Kevin can do a lot of things really well--like beat me every time at racquetball--but reciting pi isn't one of them.

He can probably nictitate with the best of them.

Math counts.


Anonymous said...

Alright... dem's fightin' words. I challenge you to a duel Martiniqua. March 14, at 26 seconds after 1:59 PM - meet me in the back alley behind the math building at your so-called "university". It's a pi-off man! Don't bother even showing up if you don't have at least 100 digits in your head. After, we head to the racquetball court.