Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Merry Flash of Pink

Bus whines up the road and flashes its lights.

Merry in her bright pink coat high-tails it down the dirty bank of snow. A cobalt car swerves to the centre of the road alongside her. Watch out for my daughter! I'm thinking and blowing my nose and watching more snow swirling against the wooded hills.

The snow has been melting in glorious sunshine today, revealing the bright flesh of broken tree limbs.

Five days of dwelling in the house, four days of sickness, and I finally got out this morning. On my way down the front path to my friend Sally's car the sun was so warm that I started shouting like a loon. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Let me spare you the details of the sea of laundry, scrubbing, etc., that accompanies a winter illness with two sick children, and leave you with the sunshine at the end: a bright blast that hit me deep in the pit of my stomach and made me feel like a person again.


Heather said...

We just sent you a fun, fun book the kids loved. Look for it on Friday. Although it looks like you're being cheered up already!

Love, Heather

AppDaddy said...

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, my niece.
And it isn't the west bound train!

Enjoy, go buy yourself a secret stash of Hagen-Daz ice cream.
Works for your Auntie.