Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just In


And. . .Wong K. Foo has a finance proposal for me! Do you think I should take it?

For those of you worried about little Bea, you'll be happy to know that she
a. kept down her antibiotic this morning
b. last night ate mashed potatoes, ice-cream, and bacon,
and this morning ate mashed potatoes, a bit of banana, some lolipop, and some cookie.

Anything she asks for, she gets. So far she has not asked for nutritious peas or carrots but tends to concentrate more on "poptoose" and "chocate" and "ike-keem ees cooooolt!"

Sally my good old pal across the blocks sent me a revengeful message in my in-box that read: Toot toot chugga chugga big red car
For those of you who have small kids and listen (or try not to listen) to the Wiggles, you understand this is like receiving a virus in your mailbox. You. cannot. get. the. song. out. of. your. head.


Country Girl said...

How 'bout this one, Kim: "I love you, you love me..."

Oh the humanity!!!!!

AppDaddy said...

Ours was "Hakuna Matata"
He must have watched The Lion King
three thousand times.
I still hate that song.
Glad Bea and yourself are better.

Anonymous said...

hurrah for baby bea chugging it down!!! I'm so happy. hope she continues to make the most of being on paradise island!
