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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Losing the Zen

12:00 p.m. I am up here in my office, hiding from my children. What is UP with that middle child? What possesses her? She's yelling from time-out: I'm ready to make GOOD CHOICES!

I'm yelling from inside: I'm ready to make sweet love to a hot cuppa Kahlua!

Is twelve o'clock too early? But seriously folks. Where is the zen today?

This is her second time-out today. During her first time-out I disappeared to the back porch to clean up the disaster back there. When I rejoined the family, Merry had moved Elspeth in her time-out chair out to the kitchen, where Merry had prepared a fine feast for the disgracee. Elspeth was happily munching on dry frosted miniwheats and orange slices and a banana, which she apparently didn't want, since she hurled it contemptuously to the floor. I reminded Merry who was in charge and slid Elspeth in her time-out chair back into time-out.

She is back there now after toting dirt from a potted plant all over the house. I have cleared up the trail of dirt and now I am hiding. Regaining my zen in peace. No master of zen am I. Show me a parent of three under seven and you've shown me no zen master.

It's snowing. Happy February duckies!


Ratto said...

Kim, I have to say that I LOVE reading about Elspeth's exploits because I too have what must be a genetic replica of her in my Ben. Nearly ever single thing you mention, he has tried -- including chopping all of my flowers and respaberry vines to pieces with a stick, splattering pretzel batter on the ceiling, pouring whol pitchers of water on the floor, whole tubs of fish food in the fish tank... you name it... But, like, E, he has such a sweet, charming side... yesterday he told Russell on the phone "I had a great day today in my gold, fat life!" And it did make me think, yes, this is a gold, fat life.

I read this often and really love it, I just rarely have time to comment. In fact, it always makes me want to call you... Love Amy

PS: NO. Noon is not too early for Kahlua. Sometimes it makes us better parents for the rest of the day. :)

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Amy, your report on Ben here makes me so happy. Wish we could see those two together--such naughty things they do, so happy and charming are they. I think for Elspeth to think IS to do. There doesn't seem to be any difference whatsoever. Merry is so reflective--she'd say, swinging on a swing, "I can see I'm having a very good time."

A gold, fat life. That is FANTASTIC.

How'd he get pretzel batter on the ceiling??

Country Girl said...

Where is the ZEN indeed? I think mine is packed out in the frozen garage somewhere. Yesterday with sick-o L, things were actually a bit quiet and she is feeling better, so the screaming has erupted again. Is it bad to wish your child sick, just to get a little quiet???

Ratto said...

Ah. That is so funny about Merry. Mara is just the same -- she'll say "Mommy, I'm not very happy right now. I AM happier than I was this morning before breakfast, but I think I am not as happy as I will be when you give me desert." Maybe this is a first/second child thing? And boy, that B looks JUST like Martin. She is so sweet... A

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Amy, where do you fall in the birth order? I am middle like Elspeth and I find myself sympathizing with her even in the midst of her conundrums but then sometimes completely mystified by Merry, who is like Martin. I say to Martin, I don't know what's going on with her, and then he's sorting it all out deftly.

Tonya, I was just wondering exactly the same thing, right after Elspeth scattered flax seed all over the sunroom. . ."Oh, it was so much EASIER when she was sick." I'm there, man.

Moms of Elspeths should start some kind of support group.

Eids said...

If you two are gonna start boozing in the early afternoon, at least get a paper bag and a bottle of Old Thompson and do it right! Rookies.

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

eids, we're not quite at the paper bag stage. when're you going to come visit the brood? are you going to wait until you're old and crusty or do we get to see you before that?

Papaya Mommy said...

I've found that low blood sugar is very bad for zen. Something hot with a lot of melted cheese goes a far way towards restoring it. Bonus if you can eat it without your kids asking for every other bite.