Blog Archive

Friday, June 13, 2008

Roses Out the Wazoo

A thorn jammed under the skin of my fingertip this morning as I was pruning back black-spotted canes left me rather grumpy. Aphids make me belligerent and Japanese Beetles leave me in despair. Sometimes I feel that life would be so much simpler if I stuck with sure-fire perennials like Russian Sage and Coneflower and Yarrow.

But then I slip roses into a vase on our supper table, or breathe deeply of an heirloom, and I change my mind.

I didn't get my fussier tea roses photographed for this entry (later?) but here are a few toughies elsewhere in our garden.

Chamomile, Evening Primrose, Roses in Background: Laundry Garden

The "Fairy," Laundry Garden

Back Pool Garden, With Lamb's Ears and Evening Primrose

A rambler on our back deck

Climbing "Blaze," Pump Garden

Blackberry and Assorted Landscape Roses, Thistle Hill

On our table at the moment. . .
David Austen, a favorite. . .what gorgeous, Peter-Rabbit-illustration shape and ruffled petal pattern


AppDaddy said...

We haven't (Knock on Wood) seen our first Japanese Beetles yet.

They are a major pain in the Gluteous.

We found out quickly that the pherome traps do more harm than good.
They are akin to hanging a "Hello Sailor" sign next to your garden.

I've found after several years of grief from the little devils that treating your yard during the fall and late winter does more good than anything. That's where the grubs breed.

If all else fails, Sevin spray or dust at least discourages them.

Lovely Roses, your Auntie is envious!

They are a symbol of the three lovely Roses that you and Martin are raising so well!

@JeanAnnVK said...

Absolutely gorgeous! By the way, have you ever considered joining Green Thumb Sunday? It is fun! If you are interested, there is a link on the right hand side of my front page...will take you there...