Blog Archive

Friday, February 15, 2008

Week Draws to Close, Parents Recollect Sanity

By Jove! The week is over!

Highlights include Elspeth eating soap; the snow melting; Martin working long hours and singing Woodie Guthrie; Merry making leaps and bounds in her reading. Yes, folks, it's been a great, busy whirlwind of a week and now it's over.

Whooopie kiyay!

It is grey late mid-Febuary but it is a warm evening in the Cockroft's orange kitchen, where the floor is dirty and the bread machine groaning out pizza dough.

I hope you have great cause and a good crowd with whom to celebrate this happy Friday.

1 comment:

Barbee' said...

Hi there, I found you on Blotanical. I have read down this far and eyes are beginning to go, but just had to say a few things. I loved reading about your happy family - all generations of it. Your children are beautiful as well as precious. (We have 4 grown children.) I love your house and the three beds in a row, plus kitchen so charming. The photos near the top of the early spring garden - I must say, it looks like mine! :)