Blog Archive

Friday, June 8, 2007

Not an Awful Falafel Dinner

Today, Martin not only tilled up the grass to make way for a wide path, but he also hauled insane amounts of rocks and bricks. And then he came home, and in order to relax, he made Greek food.

After a rip-roaring thunderstorm, an expectant dining room:

The preparations (falafel balls, homemade tahini sauce, a party of peppers):

Our friend N brought a salad made entirely of her homegrown greens (Red Sails lettuce, spicy micro arugula). . .

What better after a scorching day than a good thunderstorm, lovely friends, and fantastic food?

PS. Saw Grassy Sam the Groundhog today ambling up our back hill steps, fat as ever. I blustered out of the door, yelling: Away! Away! BAD groundhog! To which Grassy Sam crouched in a mocking sort of way, gamboled away leisurely and then disappeared in some gap in the steps. I threw a piece of wood after him but he did not resurface. Perhaps we do need to borrow a Groundhog Trap. Oooo, Grassy Sam. We'll get you yet, you bounder.


Ryan said...

What a beautiful home.

AppDaddy said...

Your dining room is really charming.
They are incredibly destructive, and will ravage a garden in no time.
I've never been able to discern any real benefit from having them around either.
We have a wonderful solution for them
up in WVA where our farm is, but that is out in the country.
You probably could not utilize it in town where you are.
I once saw my Dad whistle, and when
said hog sat up to listen, well you can imagine he did not eat my Aunt's garden veggies anymore.