Blog Archive

Monday, November 14, 2011

My story, Patron Saint of Trees, printed recently in Southeast Review, is linked online at their site, so now you can read it. . .please click HERE.


Nichole L. Reber said...

I read your "Patron Saint" while reviewing The Southeast Review. Your ability to camouflage literary tricks and tropes is so well developed that it brought to mind Graham Greene.
Here's what I wrote in my review: "Her subtle manipulation of structure, pace, and rhythm enhance character development. Her plot lingers in the memory for days afterward, twisting around in a way that brings to mind Arundathi Roy’s God of Small Things."
You've inspired my reading so greatly that I searched around for your blog, to which I've subscribed in order to keep up with your work. It's good brain food!

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

So glad you visited! And what a wonderful review you wrote about my story. It warms me. Thank you. Please do visit Wazoo Farm again.