Blog Archive

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Girls: An unusually long display of photos without any poem at all

Easter afternoon, PA Cockroft style. I tried for a photo of the three of them, really and truly, but it was disastrous--so silly I couldn't post any of them.

I know it's just a glut of photos of the girls, but our family lives far, far away. Here's compensating! The lilacs, by the way, are simply intoxicating right now. . .
Currently, Beatrix is yelling from her crib: "Shake your body! Shake your BODAY!" She's apparently having a bit of trouble falling asleep.


Unknown said...

Lovely flowers in all forms!

AppDaddy said...

Auntie says "What a Loverly family!"
You've got to quit playing "Saturday Night Fever" for Bea before she goes to bed.
Next she'll want a white suit.