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Monday, April 11, 2011


Okay, I know I'm a bit late, but I'm thinking of trying to write one poem a day for National Poetry Month. I've still got most of April. . .I wrote mine for today, about Old Henry's ashes, and I'm thinking about continuing with the burial/cremation theme. How cheery for spring!
Anyone want to join me? It can be super-short and crazy-bad. But you'll be supporting Poetry. I'd make a more compelling case but Old Henry burned up all my time, and now I'm being summoned to find a very specific book. Must tear off.


Anonymous said...

I'll join you with silly haiku.

Hot air in the house
Crawls smokelike to the ceiling
On the floor, cold feet

thrownfree said...

Rock on!

I'm not sure I'd say your haiku is silly. I've always stunk at haiku. . .maybe I struggle with being brief and profound at the same time.

I like the last line of yours.

thrownfree said...

that last comment was kim, not martin, by the way.