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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just a little bit of history repeating. . .

Bea seems to have ripped some pages from Elspeth's book.

One morning last week, Mom and I paused in our tea and coffee drinking: Bea had been AWFULLY quiet. . .TOO quiet. We climbed the stairs but we couldn't find Bea until my mother observed, "Your bedside table seems to be rocking back and forth."

I found Bea wedged in the white legs of my rickety table. She had scaled my bookcase to retrieve my make-up, and with the mediums of mascara and lipstick with possible use of permanent marker, she had created a masterpiece: Bride of Frankenstein meets Geisha Girl. She was in disgrace when I snapped these pictures, so I tried to hide my admiration for her particularly original and precise application.


AppDaddy said...

She needs to enter that reality TV show competition for Hollywood special effects make up artists.

There must be a youth category.

Dianne said...

I am having a guest speaker this week on theatrical make-up...maybe Bea should join!

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Bea would be up for both challenges. . .but would her subjects be as enthusiastic?