Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Letter Corner

Letter Corner:
From a Reader, to Wazoo, received this AM, Re: Last Sunday's Caption
Letter Follows (I'm serious, I actually just got this letter in my e-mail; it's from a man, [hint: related to me by marriage] in Washington State). I include the photo once again for further edification.

I thought it improper to compete with the anonymous winner of the
amorphous prize in the caption contest. Now that due recognition has
been granted, I'd like to point out that having just one caption is
inappropriate, given the many layers of meaning that must be carefully
peeled back, as an onion, to find the deeper layers beneath.

9. Fungal transmission
8. Vladivostok Vixen votes vor Victor.
7. Now the rage, in Connecticut.
6. Today's podiatry: Empathy
5. Tickle Me Timothy
4. Hey, look, now we can count to 42!
3. Happiness is amorality.
2. Does it matter who these toys love?
1. What does it mean to be a man?

1 comment:

Uncle said...

Nice to see the good Doctor has a whack side.
Somewhat of a frustrated poet as well.