Blog Archive

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flea in the Flue is better than a Few with the Flu

I have finally crawled out of the deep, long tunnel that is the flu. The flumeisters seemed to have shaken, not stirred, a perfect cocktail for lucky me--I had the whole shaboom served to me in courses. I picture the flu guys lounging somewhere, maybe on some soft easy chairs in my large intestine, having this pleasant planning meeting. "Let's start her with some chills, followed by a whole course of sweats, topped off, of course, by vomiting! What a wonderful time this will be! And then let's give her a real killer of a headache and more body aches, and then see how she's doing after all that." Thankfully my body kicked 'em out before they could go much further with their dastardly plans.

And no, smarty-pants I did not get a flu shot this year. This is what I figured: why get the antibodies with a thirty-second spray up my nose when I could get the very same antibodies by fighting for my life for two days? Why take the easy way out when the hard way only makes you weaker?

Two interesting things that resulted, I believe, from dehydration: one, I was prostrate on the couch with my hands around a pillow, when the pillow began feeling absolutely huge, and my hands started feeling smaller and smaller, like bird claws. The second trippy thing happened last night, when I'd actually been trying to hydrate for a good day, to slow results--I got up and started to putter around (Martin had by this time, succumbed to the party-planners and hit the pillows)--as I accomplished a few normal household tasks, I realized that all the colors I saw, on the counters, for example, seemed to be saturated, incredibly bright and vibrant. This sensation was far preferable than the bird-claw sensation.

I seem to be on the up-swing for sure, and I'm hoping that Martin endures a less serious, less interesting version of the flu, and that Elspeth, who I can't remember if she had the inoculation or not (Merry's was the first down and the first well and Bea's had the flu shot)--skips the yuckiness altogether.

So that's where I've been, lovies. Don't come over any time soon.


Sally said...

Bummer dudes! Hope you are all feeling better soon.

Unc said...

I think you need to check some of the tea you are brewing!
If you start seeing Babar the Elephant waltzing with The Grinch, switch to Earl Gray.
Glad you two are feeling better!