Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

At the risk of being Twitteresque and tremendously tedious, I have to share this moment with you. Close your eyes and imagine the warmest thing you can: your father's hand on your head before bed, a cup of tea wrapped by your own fingers, your feet in a basin of steaming water, a baby curled up on your chest, wool blankets wrapped about your shoulders. . .and then you will know how this one blast of sunlight, in the middle of endless days of grey snow, feels right now, flooding over my desk, lighting up the geranium leaf. Blessed shadows.

Also, the gutteral screaming of a two year old, announcing moment is over and naptime is imminent.

1 comment:

AppDaddy said...

I just posted pictures of your mom and auntie from Oak Island on my blog.
It's cold here, send me some of that wonderful chili, cornbread (sweet, I hope) and sheet cake please!