Blog Archive

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How in heaven's name did we amass so much stuff? The pit is bottomless. I clear one layer, and there's another. I honestly think I could fill a dump-truck with the amount of sheer razzle we have in this home of ours. It's dazzling. When we moved every year for that first half-decade or so of our marriage, I purged at regular intervals. And now--after only five or six years in one house, I feel utterly ashamed, enraged, (and now cold and calm) over the state of things. I'm done, people. I mean business.
first, a cup of tea. A childhood in East Africa taught me that business of any kind, serious or pleasant, is better with tea and with a friend.
Martin is my friend. He loves tea. I'll go and find him.

1 comment:

Uncle Dino said...

Thank you and Elspeth for the wonderful cards and letters!
They made me feel better immediately.
Tell Elspeth her Soccer card is now on our "wall of fame" (the fridge)
We keep a couple of Ariel's baseball all-star cards on there to remind us of the Little League years.
Great athletes run in the family!
Much love to all,