Blog Archive

Monday, September 20, 2010

Martin Loses Locks. . . AND. . . Merry Encounters Tabloids


This man cuts me up. I mean, I cut this man up, or his hair at least. I had to eat a lot of gummy letters to get through this particular hair cut. Martin began the evening by showing me a ridiculous--but informative--video on YouTube of a gorgeous woman with dark hair cutting the locks of "her man." I think Martin figured I would have received an excellent education because he confidently set up our salon in the kitchen, complete with "Arrested Development" on the lap-top. I shook open the gummy candy and turned on the razor.
Three episodes later. Martin and I have had an argument (consisting of his doubts being vocalized insistently that I was NOT following the video instruction)--I won because I had the clippers and the scissors. The clippers pretty much jumped up the back of his neck and sheared him like a sheep. I put those away in a hurry, my distrust of machines proven yet again. And then I set to, clipping close to the scalp, eating gummy candies, and trying not to say, "Whoops" out loud.
Here's "My Man," lookin good, like I knew he would. Like a British folk rock star.
On the way home from a friend's house this afternoon, Merry said, "Mommy can you turn [the music] down? I have something very important to tell you."

(Background: she and her friend, Cat, had gone to Walmart together earlier this afternoon.)

Merry began to explain: "Cat and I were looking at a magazine at the store, and it had a picture of President Obama on it."


"Yes, and it said Obama wants a baby, but Mitchell does not.

"I think her name is Michelle, honey."

"And then it had a bubble with an arrow on it that pointed to Obama's finger and the bubble said, NO WEDDING RING."

Martin and I were beginning to grin but Merry was grave.

"It said, Mitchell and Obama have a TERRIBLE FIGHT! They looked very serious. The picture said, NO WEDDING RING." Later Merry said, "Cat said they're divorced. Or they're about to be."

Merry, welcome to the beautiful, scintillating world of tabloids at check-out lines, where the world is full of endless possibilities and opportunities for gossip.


Country Girl said...

JP very bravely trusted my hair cutting ability nearly 20 years ago. After the first few where he had bald spots, I finally got the hang of it...saves a lot of time and money!

AppDaddy said...

Martin did have a remarkable resemblance to Pound. Grow out the mustache, wear contacts and he is a dead ringer!
This brought to mind my attempts at cutting Ariel's hair when he was a lad.
We both quickly realized it simply wasn't worth the 10 bucks.

As for tabloids, how are you going to explain the three headed babies and the alien abductions?
Nah, let them figure it out themselves, more fun that way!

AppDaddy said...

PS he cuts too fine a figure of a man to resemble any British Pop star I know of.
And he has a fine mouthful of teeth!
More like Robert Palmer, who wore those awesome Saville Row suits in his cool eighties videos.