So we were stuck behind this truck for miles, crawling up a hill. We had ample time to study the message: SHOW ME YOUR PUPPIES. However, we were unable, in the end, to come up with any conclusions.
My first thoughts, after the initial surprise and ensuing muddle, was of Cruella de Ville and her cry for a spotted coat; but now I have this sneaking feeling that the intent was a bit more smarmy. If this is the case, though, why is the command written in in such goofy, cartoonish print?
Finally, after a year, a woman at preschool pickup concluded one of my more puzzling wonders--her bumper sticker that read: LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES. Well, my goodness, if I wasn't snookered for a while. Yesterday, on the lawn of the Catholic Church, she and her perfect tan paused to explain. It turns out she and her husband rode Harleys once upon a time, and the louder the pipes on such a vehicle, the better you're heard. Theoretically, anyway. She said it actually made little difference and presumably they almost got killed anyway. The other bumper sticker on her SUV--the one about rounding 2nd base--I understood without prompting, though she generously offered a hint about that one, something to do with going back to high school. No problem. I got the bases down. See those three girls of mine? I understand.
Come on, guys. Illuminate me. SHOW ME YOUR INSIGHTS. Solve one of the more pressing mysteries of my life. Let me sleep at night once more.
Alrighty-o, I'm beginning to glean from outside sources just how lewd this truck's message was--it has nothing to do with real canines, I'm afraid--and more to do with. . .you guessed it.
Which makes me want to know now: is this illegal or just in really bad taste? And was the truck driver disappointed when, as we passed him, I held up a basket of newly born cocker spaniel pups? He asked for them, he got them.
I think you have figured it out.
Like any sane woman is going to respond to a jackass driving a dump truck!
I still can't believe it. How very naive I was. But in big print?! Come on!
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