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Monday, August 9, 2010

Holiday Part Two: Martin's Family

Mix a little time in the garden, a slip 'n slide, barbecue, a two-day trip to Hershey, a lot of cards, a little poker, a lot--and I do mean an obscene amount--of ice-cream, a good deal of conversation, pancakes, french toast, sweet children who love chocolate and night-time books

. . .simmer slowly for two weeks; douse with a ridiculous amount of laughter and flavor, to taste, with silliness

. . .and you've got a good holiday with Martin's family.

Oh, yes, and the zoo and Ohiopyle!

Did I mention the strollers?

The weariness that sets in with six children,

and then the wonderful evenings nobody takes for granted: the evenings filled with high-fat foods, games, laughter, and adults and decaf coffee, until everyone realizes that the little ones will be up no matter how many hands of Hearts you might have left in you, and then around twelve or so, someone groans and says, "Oh, guys, I have GOT to go to bed. . ."

I am in the envious possession of really lovely in-laws whom I love to spend time with. Tonight I was explaining to my exquisite niece, Isabella (who even dressed in soccer cleats and shin guards, looks like an Asian princess) that before she was born, her mom and I were good friends who did really fun things together, like play games and swim. . .SO, I concluded, I bet I can get your mom to go on the slip 'n slide with ME. (Why do children always assume their mothers are so "old--" Isabella's objection to why her mother would not go on the slip 'n slide, and the same one, I'd like to point out, Merry gave when explaining why she was embarrassed to have me attend a school function: "It's just that you're so much OLDER than the other mothers," she said, and then the next evening, after a heart-to-heart conversation, she took my face affectionately in her hands and crooned, "You look SO much older than thirty-two, Mommy. You look at least forty-two!" and proceeded up to bed. Wha??? Wait a second? Am I thirty-two or thirty-three? Help.)

Anyway, being with good family and friends makes me feel as young as I am, and I love goofing off with Caroline and Martin like we're all in college again. . .which we were. And not that long ago, either! Before YOU were born, we tell the kids, to which they respond with a dismissive sigh. Silly us. A time when they were not yet born never existed, and if it did, it must have been a very sad time indeed.
Well, not a sadder time, we could say, a happy time in itself and in so many ways, a much more carefree time. But a holiday these days without the sparkle and clang and patter of children? No, thank you! Am I really an aunt to six wonderful children? These children of my sister and sister-in-law, these children who will bend into me for a hug, resting their heads on my shoulder in absolute trust, children who will ask me to read to them and give me sneaky little smiles. Lucky me!

All thanks to Martin's Dad who took all the pictures in this post! No camera--now, that's a holiday!


AppDaddy said...

What a lovely post dear niece!
Just wait until you have 7 (soon 8)great nephews and nieces, and await your own grandchildren!
As to our children thinking we are as ancient as Yoda, I'll relate one of my favorite stories a good friend of mine from Hubbell told me.
As she put on her makeup with her 2 year old granddaughter watching, the girl said
"Granma, why do you do that?" "Because it makes me look young, dear." After a lengthy pause, the kid says "Grandma, it's not working!"

Sarah (Taylor) Lesniewski said...

OOOOH! Thank you for posting pictures of my dear lovely Caroline and her beautiful children. It has been forever since I have seen her and it was a treat to see. Thank you

Unknown said...

Dear writer/mother friend, Your words drop me into the midst of your life, and I want to stay there for a while. Do you remember our conversation at the Christmas party when we discussed how our lives are at such different points? Well, all four of my children will be gone from the home of crazy nights, ice cream, and snuggles with lovely books. I want to go back, but I can't, so I'll visit your world for a while.

Auntie P said...

Auntie Felicia is Not happy that Merry is not being nice to her Mommy,who in her words looks stunning!
She is a lucky little girl to have such a wonderful Momma!

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Hurrah for stunning me! Thank you, auntie (equally stunning you!)