Yesterday was a bit of a low point: overwhelmed me, with sicky two-year old clinging to her at every turn, paralyzed because I realized that my driver's licence was expired--trying to clean the house for company arriving Sunday. I did okay, mind you; we went on a walk, watched Anne of Avonlea in sleeping bags, picked strawberries and sugarsnap peas from the garden. I even planted the peppers, beans, and a few herbs. I sent off something to an agent and was rejected four hours later. The children ate meals and I drank a whole beer. I did okay, but did not live up to my power-house ideals.
Today, however, we rolled out of bed--(all of us. With Martin gone, I was looking forward to spread-eagling, but the girls, like ground water, fill holes and in this case my bed). And then we strapped into the car, picked up some disgusting food and coffee at a drive-through, and arrived at the DMV BEFORE it opened. Just two men who were also waiting and the four of us females. I was in and out in fifteen minutes. Then we hit the park, then we went to the grocery, and now we are home. I am ON FIRE.
What next in my amazing day? Empty the dehumidifiers and take out the trash? Change the sheets? Do some laundry? Juggle the china? The world is my oyster!
Funny what things make you feel like a superhero.
En Fuego! as we used to say in Miami.
All mom's are wonder women!
We men love to work because it gets us away from the chaos.
My hats off to you niece!
I can admit that now because I am a fledgling geezer.
Ask your dad, there was more than one reason he liked to travel.
send of poems three places
vacuum basement
wash towels
hide from children
watch robins
get stickier and stickier in this humidity
hide from children
and spell 'off' wrong
Yes, days can turn out better than expected...DMV can stress us all to the max. Pretty flowers, Gina. P.S., kids do grow up in the blink of an are a blessed woman !
Congrats on your ability to hide from the kiddos on occasion...I haven't mastered that one yet. Hope you're doing well over there!
My mother wouldn't hide from us.
She'd just run us outside on nice days and then lock the door behind us.
"DOn't call me unless someone is bleeding!"
She needed her "Me" time too.
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