I wish
plants and flowers were free
(and trees--they grow in such abundance in the wild but I have to pay for them in my yard)
dandelions vanished or at least stayed yellow
diapers changed themselves
plumbing always worked
good coffee made itself, poured itself, mixed in half/half by itself, and appeared every morning by my elbow
I wish
I had planted alliums all over my yard
sickness ended quickly with health every time
good deeds were rewarded by chocolate, ice-cream, or money
I had kept up with my letter-writing
I didn't ever feel guilty about not keeping up with my letter-writing
ficus trees did not drop sap all over the rug and my computer
good beloved people were always two steps away
stupid songs never got stuck in my head one annoying phrase at a time
I wish
Martin were done with work
and summer were beginning
PRESTO! Wish granted!
Just a quick note to say how much your blog reminds me of the things I love about being a mama... thank you. I am mentally sending you the bright red and yellow tulips in our yard.
Right back to you, Amy. I wish I could send you some of the dandelions in OUR yard.
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