Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Peonies and Piano and Early Summer

Martin's downstairs, spinning out a soothing piece on the piano. The rain is soaking the thirsty tomato plants and curling peas and strawberries.
The roses began to bloom two days ago, and we broke in our new picnic table yesterday with friends who sat around our fire ring, chatted, swung on swings, played badminton, and tore around our yard, yelling and playing soccer.
The days have been hot, hot enough for hours of water play in the Children's Garden under the Moses Rock.

The children have covered themselves with sand on multiple occasions and we've all browned in the sun despite good coatings of sunscreen.

We've been to the Children's Museum twice

(This is Texas Grandma making a spiffy man with the huge Light-Bright)

and the zoo twice, once with my sweet folks and again with Martin's sweet folks. The Pittsburgh Zoo, by the way, is the best I've ever experienced, anywhere. The only thing that beats it are the game parks in East Africa!

We've been eating perfect garden strawberries and salads of our own baby gourmet lettuce.

A few holes in the greens means ORGANIC goodness! Yeah! Our friend John M. (of the Rooster Sauce Brothers) ate a slug with his meal the other night. . .on purpose. He has eaten goldfish in the past, not a kind thing for the fish but a little extra protein for our friend J.M.-the-Slugman.

The baby thinks she's seven, and the peonies smell sweeter this year than any year before. My mother agreed to come while Martin's away in June for ten days, thus ending my blind panic. All in all, it's a happy time here at Wazoo Farm.

Here's a peony for my sweet Aunty Phyllis, who celebrated her birthday last week. Aunty Phyllis reminds me of a peony, and not just because she smells rather nice.

Martin's moved on to the guitar. . .I sense big projects this week, since (o joy!) our neighbor has lent Martin his pick-up for the entire week. He's tripping over himself in the delightful prospect of filling the bed with huge rocks from the cemetery . .I just need to get some writing projects wrapped up. And some burpless cukes (doesn't that sound LOVERLY) planted.


AppDaddy said...

Great pictures, your garden is ahead of ours. Nothing to eat yet.
Ariel was home for the weekend, passed his toughest CLEP test Honors Bio which fulfilled his Science 8 hrs.
Just two History CLEPS and he is finished.
Western Civ II Friday, and U.S. History WWII era the next week.
He could probably pass them both w/out study, but he will put in the time.
Magna Cum Laude, not bad for a Soldier boy!

Took your Auntie to VA beach with me last week, spent the afternoon on her bDay under a beach umbrella.
Had some great meals, lunch Friday at a hole in the wall seafood joint in Elizabeth City NC that I found on my travels.
Great place, specializes in Grouper, now her favorite fish.

There is some advantage to traveling as much as your Dad and I do, great places to eat discovered!

Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day week, and those who voluntarily serve today.

Ratto said...

OK, this is a very practical question, but how do you keep cats out of that sandbox!? :) Amy

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Amy, a good trick is to sprinkle coffee grounds around the sandbox. That said, there's probably cat pee in the sandbox and I'm exposing the children to potential disease. I haven't noticed any cat droppings there, though. . .Sun: natural bleach?

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

I am looking at the plants, the flowers and the salads but find it enjoyable looking at the little children.. They are fun to watch and always full of surprises.

Have a great day...
~ bangchik

AppDaddy said...

Get some nylon garden mesh that you use to prevent weeds, and stretch it over the sandbox when not in use.
Use some of the lovely PA Flagstones that Martin 'finds' to hold it down.

Cats are lazy, they will move on to easier sandpiles and leave yours alone.

Country Girl said...

Slugman would like to come over for some big ole banana slugs with rooster sauce. Oh yeah, and some mojitos!

Ratto said...

Wow -- both great ideas about the sandbox. We have a built in box that sits beneath two ancient (and huge) lilac bushes/trees... I am going to try this stuff out!