Blog Archive

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ghosts Surviving the Frost

Two close or breaking record frosts in a row. . .(click on the picture to see our strawberries, perrenials, annual veggies, etc., battling it out with the PA elements.)

Our garden looks like it's full of ghosts. Merry jumped into her favorite mode: PREPARE FOR IMMINENT DISASTER, and peppered the paper bag/sheet brigade with comments like, "I have to put away the chickens!" or when we went into the house, to my mother-in-law, "I was just putting away the pigs." Laura Ingalls Wilder, eat your heart out. But unlike the Ingalls' crops, our plants seem to have survived disaster one night. Can they make it another?

Guess what we'll be doing for the next few days? You got it! Washing sheets!

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

What a cool picture! I accidently left my tiny "salad bowl" garden out on the deck that night and it was fine...I guess the air was moving up at our second floor + altitude!