Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Man ohhhh Man

Man, oh, man. Am I beat. I'm sitting here, noticing the deepening of the greens outside, listening to the kids play in the bath, wishing Martin were here for DIVISION OF LABOR. It's something I count on. You take care of the kids, I'll cook up supper. Etc. It's been such a nice, sunny day--I planted four boxwoods around the fruit trees and know I need many, many more. A few at a time. . .

Beatrix took a few steps this morning, right after Martin left for work.

It's been a lovely day. I am just exhausted. We've all been fighting with a cold/head virus for the last few days and I feel like watching TV and having my mother bring me supper on a tray. Let's see--I'd have chicken and rice and bright green peas. And a cup of milk. And a slice of lemon meringue pie, thanks very much.

Anyone have any input on the current question: charcoal vs. gas barbecue?

Write your recommendation on the bottom of a plate filled with chicken and rice and bright green peas. Inscript your contact information in the meringue on my lemon pie. And send to:

IMMEDIATELY. The kids are waiting for their hair to be washed.



Papaya Mommy said...

Hey! We had creamed chicken with bright green peas over rice tonight! Although our chicken was actually fake chicken made out of fungus, so I don't know if that counts for you or not. It was still the ultimate comfort food, however. Followed by white chocolate cranberry walnut blondies - not lemon meringue pie. Wish you could have been here.

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

I'll take the fungus chicken. Wish I could have been there, too, though then I would have missed scrubbing human waste off the bathroom floor and many more really fun things.

Anonymous said...

Wow, fungus chicken sounds like the food I've eaten at countless sales meetings and other boring business tortures.

In my opinion, apologies to Hank Hill food just tastes better when cooked over charcoal.

Your Auntie is making you a Lemon Pie, I'll email it when I get home tonight.

Right now I am on the oceanfront in Virgina Beach looking at the glorious Atlantic in full late Winter's imbroilio.

Wish I could blow off all of my calls today and just sit here, but alas that is not in the cards.

Unknown said...

Kimberly, I have lost the blog sites for Heather and AJ. Could you send them to me.? Wish I could send some lemon pie to you. I enjoy your comments. love, Grandma Irene

Papaya Mommy said...

Don't worry, Kim. We get our share of human waste on our bathroom floor, too (especially with a boy who stands but doesn't look). So you'd be right at home here. I'd graciously let you scrub it for me.

Anonymous said...

How exciting that Beatrix walked!!!!!!

I wish I could produce the chicken and lemon merringue! Maybe next month?

Today we're having a one-day-late Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage, cooked with beer and mustard. Yesterday we walked through the streets of the town to the tunes of bag pipes (the Tiki bar) and Celtic ballads (the sports bar). Fun, huh?


Ratto said...

Um, gas grill all the way. We finally broke down and got one and they are HEAVEN. We grill in all weather conditions because it is so easy... and we got a relatively cheap one, too. Heaven, I tell you. You turn it on and -- boom -- it's ready to cook for you while you chase the mischief maker(s). You could even nickname it "the division of labor." A

Country Girl said...

I'll try to do lemon meringue pies this weekend and the trim I promised.

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Grandma Irene, if you just click on the blue names in the comments (ie., "Papaya Mommy"), it will take you to their profiles, where their blogs are listed and you can click on the blog from there.

We'll have to have lemon pie over a Scrabble game before too long!

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

TKM, seriously? Fantastic!

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Ratto, yeah, I think gas grill, too, for the no-prep reason.

Uncle A.J., Martin's wanting the charcoal grill, for your reason.

So what will we do???

Country Girl said...


Yeah I'm serious!

You could do what we do for grills, get the $20 "Little Smokey" for charcoal AND and gas grill for the ease of every weekend barbeque-ing. Causes clutter, but everyone's happy.


Anonymous said...

I like TKM's suggestion.

The charcoal grills typically don't last very long anyway, so buy a real cheap one.

Buy a good Propane grill for frequent grilling.

I have some cedar planks your Aunt got me for Christmas that I'm itching to try some Salmon or Tuna on.

As Hank Hill would say "Propane and Propane accessories Bobby!"