Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

two minutes

No time for writing! Arg! The few minutes I could possibly steal are now gone, thanks to the fact that the baby has taken over my office for sleeping. A room reconfiguration is in the works, folks. . .

Well, here's a little song Merry was singing this morning at the end of breakfast:

--Praise Bird from whom all blessings flow. . .
Praise Bird all creatures here below. . .

--That's a strange song, I said.

--That's the song the birds sing, she replied, The birds think God is a bird.

So there you have it.
Yesterday (after a conversation in which Elspeth assumed we were "keeping" the little boy baby we were taking care of--We can't keep him?--she demanded), Elspeth offered me some invisible medicine for an invisible burn I received for the invisible food I had accepted from her hands.

--That's good medicine, I told her.

--Thanks. My mommy made it.

--Wow. What's it made out of?


This conversation should not have surprised me so much--there is a squirrel hunting season here (Elspeth is assimilating?) and I had just told her what sushi (or shushi as she says) is made from, to which she replied, YUCK.
Last night when we checked on the girls at 11:30 or so we found them snuggled together in one bed. This is true companionship especially considering Elspeth peed out at about three in the morning.
Last night we celebrated Elspeth's stunning accomplishments by throwing a Potty Party. Merry baked a cake from her own recipe and it was absolutely delicious--a carrot cake that will become standard in our house, I think. I'll post the recipe once we try it again.
Since Elspeth is hanging on me while I type, I'd better sign off. Oh sigh. I love parenthood. Martin came home from work yesterday full of being back and said, "Silence! I had forgotten the silence of my office!" Me, I had to deal with the curmudgeonly jealousy that threatened to whack me over the head. Silence? Office?

Ah, there will be a time.

I just heard a cry from the first floor: BEATRIX! YOU'RE WALKING!



AppDaddy said...

Ah, be careful what you wish for!
Ariel went back to Boone on Friday AM
as he had Reserve drill on Friday night through Sunday.
I knew he would be really busy with that, and settling back in on Sunday night before classes started again on Monday morning.
So I wasn't particularly worried not to hear from him all weekend.
His Momma, however always frets until she hears from hear baby boy.
He called in on Monday on the way to class as he normally does.
All was well, just starting what will probably be the busiest six months of his life to date.

So the current state of never being more than a floor away from your young'uns, as exasperating as they can be some (most!) of the time will be missed someday.
And that day will be on you before you can comprehend it.

I am not 55, and my son is not 22 and in his last semester of college!
When I get 'home' from work, all he wants is for me to get down on the rug and play cars with him.

As McCartney put it, "Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away!"

And yet so near.

Treasure each scream, crash and funny statement.

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

right on. objectively i totally agree with you! i
d capitalize but i'm holding a baby in one hand. . .

Country Girl said...

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I gave up my "office" for L, when she came along, then my newly reclaimed space went for J's school zone. Now I just just for me? Luxury indeed! Could B sleep in your room during the day, leaving computer room free?