Blog Archive

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Wazoo Girls

Typing with two hands is rare these days--hence the brief, picture-rich entries. Well, it is a season.

Baby Beatrix smiles!

Beloved & beseiged

Toothpaste everywhere but her teeth

Studying Sammy the Snake (our gardening companion, along with Grassy Sam the Groundhog, deer, and the odd neighborhood cats)

Shortish limbs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is a lovely baby. What beautiful hair! I have an 8 mo. old son (Evan), and while he was born with gorgeous, long, dark hair, he lost it all, and it's finally growing back. They're so precious when they sleep. I can't resist picking Evan up and cuddling him before I turn in for the night.

ps~Pretty flowers, too!! With the cold rainy weather we've been having here in MN, mine are still looking pretty sad. Hopefully we'll get some sun soon, so they perk up a little!