Blog Archive

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Attacked: Freezer. Pools of frozen water hiding undefinables. Endless frozen black bananas: never will become bread.

Reward: Two English muffins slathered generously with Christmas Nutella.

Elsepth: Watching Wiggles on repeat.

Merry: At school, learning to read.

Laundry: In progress.

Thinking of starting a club called "The Elaine Society," after my great-aunt Elaine, who, upon the death of her husband and her own encroaching old age, went wild with energy, writing and illustrating books, launching a museum, driving like a maniac and somehow stayed alive.

Purpose of The Elaine Society: To remind we women that we are kick-ass, whether we are shoveling ice from our freezers or writing books, changing diapers or wielding power drills. Or (hugely pregnant) eating Nutella.

1 comment:

AppDaddy said...

I have been a member of the Elaine society since birth. She is quite the lady! That's my middle name.

I love your writings!

The Queen (Your Auntie)