So, we finally got our act together and borrowed a tiller. Here's the result so far:
Let me tell you, as a tiller novice, I had no idea how carried away--literally--you can get with one of those machines. The tiller I borrowed is a rear tine, self-propelled Troy-Bilt model. I guess it's pretty standard. Its owner, John, showed me how to operate it properly, but as in all things, theoretical knowledge doesn't instantly translate into applied knowledge. As John explained, when you till over previously untilled land, like turf, you have to use the shallowest setting or the tiller won't dig into the ground at all. When that happens, the tines, which are probably turning ten times faster than the front wheels, become the wheels, and the tiller lurches forward suddenly, then takes off at approximately twenty miles per hour.
Of course this happened to me. Several times. The first couple times, I couldn't manage to tell my hands to loosen their grip on the handle, and the tiller dragged me across the lawn. I felt like I was in a three stooges routine--I just needed Curly or Moe to swat my face with a flat-blade shovel.
I've got the hang of it now, and I'm wondering how we ever got along without it. Thanks to Chris and Pete for encouraging us to quit laboring over sod and borrow one of these babies.
Speaking of babies: Happy Mother's Day (a day late now) to all you ... mothers.
Your experience also reminds me of Clark W. Griswold,(Chevy Chase) or Tim the Toolman Taylor.
Next you will want a riding mower with a jet engine.
Make sure that your local EMT's have your address.
Or just call Luke.
looks GREAT. Wish I could have seen the wild tillerman, though.
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