Blog Archive

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Today; Deer; Canadian Hemlock

Today we planted forty Canadian Hemlock trees in our yard. Someday they will grow into a soft evergreen hedge.

Big, muddy holes. Tiny, feathery trees. Filthy hands, shovels caked with mud. Immm. Love it.

After planting: found out that deer love "browsing" Canadian Hemlock trees.

Maybe they will never grow into a soft evergreen hedge.

Tonight: sleeping with the window open. Earth smells like rain. We can hear the gurgling of the creek. We can hear the deer licking their lips. It all makes for dreams.

Canadian Hemlock is the state tree of Pennsylvania. They must grow beautifully here though we've never seen one. Deer eat them all to nubs.

Sweet dreams, good people. Deer: eat hearty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!
I use Plantskyyd on my plants that the deer love to nibble...mostly that's all of them. You can read about it and order it at It isn't a chemical, so I feel safer using it.