Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 21, 2007



Friends: BOOKS! Some of them put me to sleep [Anthony Trollope's 'Barchester Towers']; some of them are easy and delightful [D. Dery's 'the Twelve Little Cakes'], and some I never finish even though they are fantastic [Salman Rushdie's 'Midnight's Children'--I do plan on finishing].

I am always on the look-out for a great book to read, and I know my friends are, too. I wish you all would jot off a couple lines on books you're reading. If you only have a couple lines to write, that's fantastic--the reviews do not need to be in-depth or professional. My father, for instance, reads books like most people eat popcorn, on long overseas flights. My sister reads books while she does just about everything except showering, and my friend Jeff always has a good tidbit to share with me, such as the jack ass and Robert Louis Stevenson, which is now on my list.

I just want to know what books you're reading, and whether I should read them, too.

If you've just read a book you'd like to review, e-mail it to me and I'll post it on this page. To access the book reviews, click on the BOOK REVIEWS label on the list of TOPICS at right. Then others will be able to share your book knowledge and recommendations.

If you want to include links to other reviews, please do so, and I'll post those as well.

Here's to books!

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